
The Wobbler Room (12-18 months) is connected to the infant room to allow for an easy transition. Babies in the Infant Room will begin transitioning into the wobblers 2-4 weeks before they turn one year old.

The Wobbler Room is a transitional room that helps babies develop the new skills they will use in the toddler room. Older infants will learn to walk and communicate through sign language and basic vocabulary, and will be eased onto a routine that involves scheduled naps and eating times. In order to establish these valuable and comforting routines, parents are asked to bring their children no later than 9:30 a.m. each day. Exceptions will be made for scheduled appointments, as long as the director is notified beforehand.

Fine motor skills will be developed through art activities with the use of crayons, markers, sponges and paintbrushes. More time is spent on their playground discovering gross motor skills and the joy of being outdoors!

Typically wobblers will advance from a bottle to a sippy cup and learn to feed themselves with utensils.

Parents will need to bring the following items to NLC:

  • At least 2-3 changes of clothing that are appropriate for the season

  • Diapers

  • Wipes

  • Any kind of cream that is used in the diaper process

  • A sheet and blanket for nap time (cots are provided). These will be sent home each Friday for laundering.

  • Sunscreen and bug spray for outdoor play in the spring and summer

  • A jacket for outdoor play in the fall and winter